TencentDB for Redis is a caching and storage service compatible with the Redis protocol. It features a rich variety of data structure options to help you develop different types of business scenarios, and offers a complete set of database services such as master-slave hot backup, automatic switchover for disaster recovery, data backup, failover, instance monitoring, online scaling and data rollback.

Managed Deployment
With just a few clicks in the console, you can start and connect to a production-ready Redis service. This eliminates the need to install, deploy and maintain the service manually, greatly reducing labor costs.

Data Protection Mechanism
Instance data is automatically backed up regularly, improving data reliability and eliminating the concerns over data loss. The data can be manually backed up too. These features guarantees data reliability and significantly save you development time since you don't need to develop an in-house data recovery system.

High Performance
With the deep optimization of the core source code by Tencent Cloud experts, TencentDB for Redis features ultra-high performance that can meet the requirements of most business scenarios, significantly saving you development time since you don't need to develop a hi-speed caching layer on your own.

Smooth Scalability
When the available storage capacity is insufficient, the capacity can be expanded via the console with just one click. The expansion process does not affect your online businesses.

Comprehensive Daily Monitoring
Over 30 professional data metrics are monitored and visually displayed for clear insights into the data, including inbound/outbound traffic, Set/Get counts, CPU load and QPS.

Custom Alarming
Custom alarming policies can be set up to enable advance alerting for risks and help quickly locate and address issues, with alarm messages automatically sent when a metric exceeds the configured threshold.

Data Migration
With the aid of Data Transfer Service (DTS), the source data in various scenarios can be easily migrated to TencentDB for Redis for seamless cloudification of your business, eliminating the need for manual migration and greatly simplifying the cloudification process.

Automatic Disaster Recovery
TencentDB for Redis adopts a master-slave hot backup architecture. In case of failure of the master, the service can be switched to the slave in a matter of seconds, and the switchover process does not affect the online business or require any operations at your side.

Low Costs
TencentDB for Redis is deployed in the cloud, which greatly reduces the costs of initial infrastructure construction and subsequent maintenance. Its flexible billing method allows you to select and pay for the computing resources you need and used, meeting a variety of business needs at low cost.
High Availability
TencentDB for Redis (master-slave edition) is highly compatible with the open-source Redis protocol. It adopts a master-slave hot backup architecture, where the failure of the master can be automatically detected, and the service can be switched to the slave instantly, eliminating the concerns over data loss and service interruption.
High Reliability
Data Recovery
TencentDB for Redis features data rollback. The data instance to be recovered can be selected in the web-based console for data rollback, enabling convenient data recovery and avoiding data loss.
Automatic Disaster Recovery
TencentDB for Redis adopts a master-slave hot backup architecture, where the data is automatically synced from the master to the slave for complete data consistency. The failure of the master can be automatically detected, and the service can be switched to the slave instantly. No operations are required at your side during the switchover, eliminating your concerns over data loss and service interruption.
Easy to Use
Smooth Scalability
When the available storage capacity is insufficient, the capacity can be expanded in the web-based console with just one click. The expansion process is automated with no manual intervention required, and the expanded instance inherits the IP and all configurations of the original instance. You do not need to use any process controls to expand the capacity or worry about problems during the expansion, and the expansion will not affect normal business operations.
Monitoring and Alarming
Performance metrics are monitored and visually displayed for QPS and most Redis commands such as Set/Get. Custom alarms can be set up, so that when a metric exceeds the configured threshold, alarm messages will be automatically sent through email and SMS. Monitoring and alarming can be used free of charge, enabling you to quickly locate problems as they occur.
Instance Management
Instances are managed over the web. Operations such as creation, backup and rollback can be performed in the web-based console in a simple interactive way. Plus, dedicated tools are provided for data import and export. All tasks are centralized into the task center, and the progress of each task is visually displayed in a progress bar for easy tracking. No independently developed scripts for OPS operations are required, significantly saving you development time.
- High Availability
- High Reliability
- Easy to Use
TencentDB for Redis (master-slave edition) is highly compatible with the open-source Redis protocol. It adopts a master-slave hot backup architecture, where the failure of the master can be automatically detected, and the service can be switched to the slave instantly, eliminating the concerns over data loss and service interruption.

You can store non-role data such as leaderboard data in TencentDB for Redis for quick access. The native SortedSet data type of Redis can readily help you develop player data.
- Gaming
- Internet and App Businesses
- Ecommerce
You can store non-role data such as leaderboard data in TencentDB for Redis for quick access. The native SortedSet data type of Redis can readily help you develop player data.