TencentDB for MariaDB
Financial-grade, community-driven, and open-source database based on TDSQL
TencentDB for MariaDB allows you to easily deploy and use MariaDB in the cloud. MariaDB was created by MySQL founder, Monty, after MySQL was acquired by Oracle. Its copyright was granted to MariaDB Foundation (a non-profit organization) to ensure that MariaDB will always be open source, making it the ideal choice for enterprise-grade applications. The mainstream open-source community systems and software tools use MariaDB as their default database system. MariaDB is highly compatible with MySQL, meaning MySQL instances can be migrated to TencentDB for MariaDB without modification. TencentDB for MariaDB is a complete database solution with diverse features such as backup, rollback, monitoring, fast scaling, and data transfer, simplifying IT OPS and allowing you to focus more on business development.

Compatibility with MySQL protocols and syntax
TencentDB for MariaDB is highly compatible with MySQL protocols and syntax, including MySQL language structures, character sets, time zones, data types, functions, stored procedures, transactions, and clients. Most business systems can be migrated directly from MySQL to TencentDB for MariaDB without modification.

High availability based on strong data consistency

Financial-grade features

Intra-city active-active architecture

Ultra-high performance and read/write separation

Elastic scalability without downtime

Comprehensive monitoring and alarms

Data migration

Deployment in public and private clouds
Read/Write Separation (read-only slave)
TencentDB for MariaDB supports read/write separation by default. Each slave in the master/slave architecture can be read-only. If multiple slaves are configured, read requests will be automatically assigned to low-load slaves by TProxy to support the read traffic of large-scale applications. The three read/write separation schemes are read-only account, /slave/, and read-only instance.
Thread Pool
TencentDB for MariaDB supports thread pool by default. Tencent has optimized the scheduling algorithms of the thread pool to address extreme situations, such as when query and update requests are unevenly distributed among thread groups if the system is under heavy load. It can also better utilize computing resources to reduce unnecessary thread switching, and shorten the wait time of requests in queue to accelerate their processing.
Premium Hardware Configuration
Based on PCI-E SSD, TencentDB for MariaDB features an IOPS three times higher than SATA, and powerful IO performance that guarantees database accessibility. Its storage devices adopt the NvMe protocol and are specifically designed for PCI-E SSD, ensuring better performance. A single shard supports up to 245,509 queries per second (QPS), 384 GB memory, and 6 TB storage.
Automatic Failover
TencentDB for MariaDB uses a fully homogeneous master/slave system to ensure high availability. Master/slave failover can be performed within seconds and the virtual IP (VIP) remains unchanged. The strong sync replication scheme ensures data consistency during master/slave failover, meeting financial-grade requirements.
Three Data Replication Methods
TencentDB for MariaDB supports strong sync (non-downgradable), strong sync (downgradable), and async replication. The Multi-Thread Asynchronous Replication (MAR) technology designed by Tencent significantly improves the performance of strong sync replication. The performance of strong sync replication essentially matches that of async replication, ensuring master/slave data consistency.
Seamless Failove
All shards and underlying physical devices are monitored 24/7. In the event of a failure, TProxy will promptly switch route resolution from the failing node to a normal one. During master/slave faliover, VIP remains unchanged, meaning hot backup can be completed on the application layer without any modifications and has no effect on your business.
Automatic Node Failure Recovery
When a physical node carrying shards fails, the scheduling system will automatically retry to recover the node. If the node cannot be recovered, it will be automatically replaced within 30 minutes. A new node will be rebuilt from backups and automatically added to the cluster, ensuring the master/slave architecture of shards for the long term.
Cross-AZ Deployment
The master and slave can be deployed in different AZs in the same city where real-time data replication can be performed via Tencent Cloud Direct Connect. The local end is the master and the remote end is the slave. When data is accessed externally, the local instance will be accessed first, and the remote instance will be accessed if the local instance fails or is unreachable. This feature provides TencentDB for MariaDB with cross-AZ disaster recovery capability and master/slave failover imperceptible to end users, avoiding the operational risk of single-DC deployment.
2-region-3-DC Architecture
TencentDB for MariaDB provides 1-region-2-DC and 2-region-3-DC deployment architectures. When a failure occurs, the database can be restored to normal operation within minutes.
Compliance with National, International, and Industry-specific Standards
TencentDB for MariaDB has received many national and international certifications, including but not limited to ISO22301, ISO27001, ISO20000, ISO9001, Trusted Cloud, Cybersecurity Classified Protection Certification (Level 3 or above), and CSA STAR.
Some features of TencentDB for MariaDB are developed and designed based on GBT 20273-2006: Information Security Technology - Security Techniques Requirement for Database Management System, and JRT 0072-2012: Testing and Evaluation Guide for Classified Protection of Information System of Financial Industry. Thus, you can use TencentDB for MariaDB even if your business has extremely high requirements for database security.
VPC Support
TencentDB for MariaDB allows you to run database instances in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You can isolate your instances and connect them to your existing IDC via IPsec VPN or Direct Connect.
Database Firewall and Security Protection
TencentDB for MariaDB provides multi-layer security protection for each database by default. It helps users defend attacking traffic and ensures business continuity when database instances with external network access are under DDoS attack. It can also efficiently block database attacks such as SQL injections and brute force attacks, significantly reducing users’ business interruption and loss.
Granular Permission Control
Accessing the database as the root account is disabled by default to avoid security risks. Permission controls are provided at the object level, such as tables, functions, and stored procedures. Designated accounts can only access authorized resources, keeping risks under control.
Physical Exclusivity Support
You can deploy database instances using resources of a dedicated physical cluster (device) in Tencent Cloud's public cloud. You can use the physical devices exclusively instead of sharing them with other tenants. Dedicated clusters meet your needs for resource exclusivity, physical security, and regulatory compliance. After purchasing dedicated clusters, you can flexibly create database instances with custom specifications in the Tencent Cloud Console.
High Storage Reliability
TencentDB for MariaDB provides master/slave data storage to ensure online data security. Data is automatically backed up daily and can be rolled back to any points in time in the past several days based on backup files. The daily cold data will be backed up in multiple copies to facilitate data recovery in the event of a disaster. You can securely store your data in TencentDB for MariaDB without worrying about data loss.
Comprehensive Daily Monitoring
TencentDB for MariaDB can monitor database performance at a 60-second granularity with over 70 key metrics, including connection access, database load, cache querying, and storage engine. It has 15 core database performance metrics that support comprehensive and real-time monitoring with accuracy down to the second. You can keep track of instance health and quickly locate instance performance issues. You can also customize threshold alarms for resources to stay informed on database operational issues. When the alarm is triggered, OPS personnel will be notified promptly. The slow log analysis report and complete SQL running report can be downloaded to help you understand factors that affect database performance.
Custom Alarms
You can customize threshold alarms for resources to stay informed on database operational issues. When the alarm is triggered, OPS personnel will be notified promptly.
Performance Analysis Logs
Slow log analysis report and complete SQL running report can be downloaded to help you understand factors that affect database performance.
Read-Only Slaves
You can implement read/write separation with a read-only account, meeting high volumes of business requests without purchasing additional read-only instances. If the read performance cannot meet your needs, you can purchase or build read-only instances through the server.
Performance and Capacity Expansion
TencentDB for MariaDB instances can be seamlessly scaled up except for those with the highest specification. If the performance fails to meet your needs, you can scale up the performance and capacity specification of the instance with one click. Your business will not be affected during the process. You can also achieve fast and seamless scaling by scheduling it during off-peak hours to meet your business growth needs.
Easy Management of Massive Database
TencentDB for MariaDB can be managed using command line or on the web. It supports batch database management, permission configuration, and SQL import, simplifying the OPS of a vast number of database instances into simple webpage clicks and significantly reducing OPS workload.
Multiple Network Access Methods
TencentDB for MariaDB supports access from VPC and basic network. External access can also be configured. You can access the database via Tencent Cloud, IDCs, private clouds, or clouds provided by other vendors to meet your database access needs under different environments.
Parameter Templates
TencentDB for MariaDB offers parameter configuration templates, which can be used to save commonly used database configurations and apply them to newly created instances. This simplifies parameter fine-tuning and eliminates the tedious work of initializing the database.
API Support
TencentDB for MariaDB features a complete API system. You can call APIs to integrate TencentDB for MariaDB into your internal monitoring and OPS systems, creating a business OPS system that automatically responds to business needs. For more information, please see the API documentation.
Data Transfer
MySQL databases that are self-created on CVM, those in IDCs that have public IPs, and those from other cloud vendors can be automatically migrated to TencentDB for MariaDB with the aid of Data Transmission Service (DTS). This simplifies the migration process and achieves seamless database cloudification with no manual intervention required.
- Enhanced Performance
- High Availability
- Strong Data Sync
- Enterprise-Grade Security
- Enterprise-Grade Monitoring
- Scalability
- Ease of Use
Read/Write Separation (read-only slave)
TencentDB for MariaDB supports read/write separation by default. Each slave in the master/slave architecture can be read-only. If multiple slaves are configured, read requests will be automatically assigned to low-load slaves by TProxy to support the read traffic of large-scale applications. The three read/write separation schemes are read-only account, /slave/, and read-only instance.
Thread Pool
TencentDB for MariaDB supports thread pool by default. Tencent has optimized the scheduling algorithms of the thread pool to address extreme situations, such as when query and update requests are unevenly distributed among thread groups if the system is under heavy load. It can also better utilize computing resources to reduce unnecessary thread switching, and shorten the wait time of requests in queue to accelerate their processing.
Premium Hardware Configuration
Based on PCI-E SSD, TencentDB for MariaDB features an IOPS three times higher than SATA, and powerful IO performance that guarantees database accessibility. Its storage devices adopt the NvMe protocol and are specifically designed for PCI-E SSD, ensuring better performance. A single shard supports up to 245,509 queries per second (QPS), 384 GB memory, and 6 TB storage.

- Finance
- Ecommerce
- Internet and Mobile Apps
- Gaming