Tencent Real-Time Communication
Run demos within a minute and build audio/video calls or interactive live streaming solutions in 30 minutes
Leveraging Tencent's 21 years of experience in network and audio/video technologies, Tencent Real-Time Communication (TRTC) offers multi-person audio/video calls and low-latency interactive live streaming solutions. With TRTC, you can quickly develop cost-effective, low-latency, and high-quality interactive audio/video services. Audio/Video Call Solution TRTC provides a client SDK that works across platforms and regions. This solution can be easily used on webpages to enable audio and video call capability for all applications. Low-Latency Interactive Live Streaming Solution TRTC leverages Tencent Cloud's high-quality node resources, industry-leading network and audio/video technologies to helps you build interactive live streaming services with minimal lags and a latency below 1 second, taking live streaming into the era of CDN 2.0.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Instant Messaging (IM)

On-Cloud Recording

Relayed Live Streaming

HD Video Call

Stable Network Communication

- Audio Call
- Video Call
- Audio Interactive Live Streaming
- Video Interactive Live Streaming
- Interactive Classroom