Tencent Cloud
Tencent Cloud
Cloud Virtual Machine

Cloud Virtual Machine

Stable, secure, resilient, high-performance cloud computing services that meet your diverse business needs in real time

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Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) brings you secure and flexible computing capabilities. You can obtain and enable CVM in the cloud in just minutes to meet your computing needs, and as your business needs change, you can scale up or down your computing resources with ease. CVM is billed by the actual usage of resources, saving you real money in computing. With the aid of CVM, your hardware and software costs will be significantly reduced and the IT-related OPS will be simplified.


Elastic Computing

Elastic Computing

It only takes minutes for you to add or delete CVMs to meet your ever-changing business needs. By defining relevant policies, you can make sure that the CVM instances used can be seamlessly scaled up during periods of higher demand to ensure application availability, and scaled down during periods of lower demand to save costs.
Flexible Configuration

Flexible Configuration

CVM offers various types of instances, operating systems and software packages for you to pick and choose. Each instance’s CPU, memory, disk and bandwidth configuration can be adjusted flexibly to match your applications. Supported operating systems include multiple Linux distributions and Windows Server versions.
High Stability and Reliability

High Stability and Reliability

The Cloud Block Storage mounted on the CVM provides a triplicate storage policy, ensuring fast data migration and recovery in case of downtime of any copy. With the sophisticated network virtualization technology and ENI binding technology, the CVM runs on a robust network architecture in T3+ IDCs for high network availability.
Easy Management

Easy Management

You can access Tencent Cloud CVM as an administrator with full control. To manage the CVM is as easy as to manage traditional servers. You can use various tools such as the Tencent Cloud Console and API to connect to your CVM instances for operations like restarting and changing network configuration.
Secure Network

Secure Network

CVM runs on a logically isolated private network and ensures the security of your cloud resources with access control lists and security groups over the network. You also have complete control over the configuration of your private network environment, including custom segmenting, IP addresses, routing policies, etc.
All-Around Protection

All-Around Protection

Basic protection features are provided, such as Trojan detection, brute force attack prevention and vulnerability scanning. Moreover, DDoS prevention is available to protect against mass traffic attacks. The ultra-high bandwidth and super-powerful purging capability of Dayu BGP high defense system are designed to cope with website attacks.
Low Costs

Low Costs

The CVM is deployed in the cloud, drastically reducing infrastructure construction and maintenance fees. In addition, CVM instances are billed on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Service Integration

Service Integration

CVM can be highly integrated with most of Tencent Cloud services, such as Cloud Object Storage (COS), Cloud Database (CDB) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), providing the user with complete solutions for different business needs in computation, storage, network transmission and much more.



Business Type

Corporate official website, small-sized database, etc.

Recommended Solution

For business that have no special needs for CPU, memory or bandwidth, deployment of one or a few CVMs is sufficient.

Business Type

Corporate official website, small-sized database, etc.

Recommended Solution

For business that have no special needs for CPU, memory or bandwidth, deployment of one or a few CVMs is sufficient.
